Sea forestation
The importance of kelp
Seaweed and kelp forests are essential habitats for marine life that support a pletora of marine life. They provide shelter, food and even protect coastal regions from severe weather impacts. They also sequester CO2 which is a major contributor to climate change. And of course kelp and seaweed are a source of food additives, pharmaceutical and other products
The Project
As we have seen the demise of many kelp forests around the world due to climate change and other impacts such as the overpopulation of sea urchins due to the starfish wasting disease, we felt the need to participate in the restoration efforts. To do so we partnered with Ocean Wise’s “Seaforestation” project which brings a number of partners together to run test sites which will be monitored for progress.
The aim
The aim is to test concepts and monitor the progress. “Green gravel” is the word for used for “seed” that will be distibuted on sites where kelp has disappeared and if successful the methodology will be shared worldwide. The ultimate goal is the worldwide restoration of kelp and seaweed ecosystems so that life can thrive and impacts of climate change can be mitigated